Snapshot Bible Concepts
Each Snapshot:
- is a one-page presentation of a main concept or theme
- has a link to the full writing it represents
- if “independent,” then a more extensive writing may or may not follow
- has a graphic image

The One New Man
This posting is on Two Sticks Joining to form One New Man. It is similar to the two previously posted, but this one has a certain emphasis. There is an explanatory column that goes with it under "Other Writings," "Studies by Eric." There are many layers of truth to be seen here, and the other two older similar postings reveal some of those. It is fascinating that both Israel & the USA were formed with a Covenant with God. These are the two nations that the corrupt Satanically-run world system are obsessed with eliminating. But the Red Sea is beginning to part for us!

The Creator made an-easy-to-follow fuel manual for His mankind-creation to follow in order to get the best mileage & performance out of their earthly bodies. Here's a snapshot of those clean vs unclean foods. His guidelines make it a cinch to discern between the two.

God's Calendar
Let's learn what time it is on God's timepiece. This Snapshot puts it all together in a nutshell.

Holidays vs Holy Days
Why were the Biblical Holy Days that we have been mandated to keep for all generations swept away and replaced with the well-entrenched Holidays of religious-traditions? What does the Bible say about this? Why should we pay attention to these Holy Days today? This snapshot tries to condense the big topic onto a diagram of one page. More info can be found under "Other Writings" then "Studies by Eric."

The Sabbath Day
Keeping the Sabbath Day is a sign that we are part of the Covenant. The Sabbath Day is the Biblical Day, equating to the Gregorian calendar's Friday sunset through Saturday sunset. How did this important commandment get changed from the 7th day of the week to the first day, (Sun-Day, when pagans worshiped the Sun)? Find out in this big picture.

Ever heard "We don't vote because we are not of that kingdom"? Or that we are supposed to submit to all government authorities, good or bad? These are statements that are taking scriptures out of context, while ignoring verses to the contrary. We are to be salt & light while in the world, but not of it. We are to be change agents both spiritually and in the natural. And we are not to submit to evil authority. Peter said, should I obey God or man (when that authority is counter to God's Word)?

The Law
Is "the Law" good or bad?...done away with?...bondage?...legalism?
...not part of the New Covenant?
Well, there are many verses (yes, even in the New Covenant), that support both sides.
Yet the Bible does not contradict itself.
Truth is truth.
This diagram summary puts formerly-missing puzzle-pieces into place,
helping to solve the riddle.

How many God's does Christianity have? One? Two? Three? There are scriptures to support whatever view one is inclined to believe. However, these scriptures seem to contradict each other. So, to support a view, there must be many assumptions and stretched interpretations to make it all fit. Here we get to the root problems and bring forth the truth where all verses agree!

The Name of God
We sing, "Oh! How I love to sing praises to your name," yet never say what it is! Why is that? It has been purposely hidden by Bible translators because their religious leaders said it was too Holy to pronounce, yet that is contrary to the Bible. Here we show step by step how to reveal His correct name in English from the Hebrew. See "Studies" to read Part 1 in this series on Confused Christianity. This has been updated on 8-10-24.

The Tree of Life
This simple diagram displays related symbols and scripturally identifies each one. Without these basics in place, we can misinterpret. With them in place, we see a relationship between the number "7" & the number "12." There is a recurring pattern with these symbols & numbers to flag a message of God's will in heaven becoming manifest on earth through a people filled with his 7-fold Spirit. These people express God's life with 12 fruit. The "12" is an outgrowth of the "7," and points to a "sonship company" filled with the life of the Son.
Updated 10-7-23.

Two Rods Join,
(Spiritual Insights)
Snapshot 10 built the scriptural basis for seeing by His Spirit what the Two Sticks Joining means. This Snapshot 11 gives a brief overview of that perspective. There is much, much more to this, as hinted in Ezekiel 37 & elsewhere. There has always been just one House of God, from Adam to Messiah & will be until the First Resurrection of the Sons to rule & reign with Yahshua...on the near horizon! The one new stick is the one House, the People in whom Yahovah's Spirit dwells, as seen in His Son, Yahshua.

Two Rods Join,
(Pattern in the Natural)
This diagram shows the split into 2 sticks, then the reuniting of the 2 sticks (Kingdoms) into one nation (people), with the best from both, with the confusing, burdensome religious traditions of men left behind. This is happening now! As with all Snapshots, there are many nuggets for readers to further explore in Word & Spirit.
Posted originally 4-15-23 then reposted this update 4-22-23

The Maturing of the Marriage Covenant
The big picture reveals that the Covenant is a Marriage Covenant, in the mind of Yahovah before Creation. As the first 6,000 years of mankind unroll, we view a progressive revelation of the terms of the Covenant. Each new revelation expresses a "New Covenant" which is really just a Renewed Covenant, expanded in terms & depth of meaning over the previous. In this sense there is no "Old Covenant" that was done away with. Each stage still exists.

Snapshot Bible Concept:
Family Tree of Yahshua,
The Real Yahshua Dynasty
The main concept here is that the genealogy of Matthew is the line of Mary (Miriam), not of her husband, Joseph. This is the opposite of traditional religious teaching. Once we established this truth, then many other key truths fell into place (also confirming this), plus a matching pattern revealing a prophetic message, even for today and beyond! For further info, see Lesson 17 from which this snapshot was taken. There we find the family tree chart of Yahshua with surprising connection of dots to major scriptural names.

Snapshot Bible Concept: The Epistle of James/Ya'akov."
Here's a snapshot of the first English translation from the recently found early Hebrew manuscripts, so early that it has 1st-century sources! The entire 2nd Writings (New Testament) will follow as the translation team of Miles Jones steadily works at it. For now this is what we knew as "The Book of James," but we discover his name was really Ya'akov, (Jacob).

Snapshot Bible Concept: "God's Plan"
His Plan is all about "Sonship." The same concept can also be viewed as "Marriage" of Spiritual & Natural Realms. This plan took 6,000 years to enter into the final stage, the 1,000 year "day" of Sabbath rest.
And its happening now!
It's important to read the Word in this framework to not miss the big message.

Snapshot Bible Concept: "Scripture Translations with Hebrew Roots"
These are some fairly recent Bible Translations, all written with a good grasp of the Hebrew language & culture in which they were first written. They also use current ancient manuscript discoveries that are closer to the original. See them as keys that unlock the scriptures!

Snapshot Bible Concept: "Christianity Distorted by Paganism"
Truth is flooding like a fountain. There is no time to keep up with it all, except to share in snapshots of some waves of truth. These teasers will hopefully prompt readers to search out more. Here are some leads for this concept.

Snapshot Bible Concept: "The Shaking, to Awaken, to Separate"
Yes, it's time for tares to be pulled and wheat to be gathered. It's the end of the age. It's the harvest time. People everywhere in the world are coming to either really love truth, or hate it.

Snapshot Bible Concept: Mistranslation found in Matthew 5:17
This catch means a major shift is needed in our thinking. More harmony is coming to the Word as these critical mistranslations are being revealed. It is the time for hidden things to be revealed!