Bible Lessons

Family Tree of Yahshua,
The Yahshua Dynasty
Here we go seems whatever we write is contrary to traditional religious teaching! And this Lesson is full of those major diversions. But once the themes are solidly anchored on scripture, then the details fall into place, and make much more sense. This Lesson reveals family secrets, and surprisingly, hidden prophetic statements that carry true for today.

Sabbath or Sunday?
Some gather for word & worship & fellowship on Sabbath, (Saturday), and some on Sunday. Does it really matter? We divert from religious traditions (with their strong emotional opinions), to present the harmony in the Word that makes it clear. The scriptures are all in agreement. The answer matters, so join us for the walk into more truth & understanding.

The Law: Reconciling Contrasting Scriptures
This is the concluding Lesson on "the Law." Here we bring harmony between the scriptures that imply that the Torah is "bad" and those that praise the Torah as wonderful. Laid out is also the blueprint for seeing the truth in other verses that we could not fit into the Lesson. This Lesson also summarizes the previous 3 Lessons, so that it can be seen as a Lesson by itself.

The “Law” When Representing “The Scriptures”
Here we learn what else “Law” may refer to; the written instructions/teachings that point in the direction to walk in the ways of Yah (God), the ways of Life. A few questions soon arise about this roadmap. Why? Has the path changed? No, but some of the road has been paved. Some high places leveled, & some low places made high; the highway for a set-apart people. Lesson c will then be the sequel to this & the previous Lesson.

The “Law” When Representing “Traditions of Men”
The word “Law” is used in most English Bible translations. “Law” however is a very misleading translation since the Greek word can refer to one of two very different things. This Lesson points out what those two concepts are, and details what one of them means. Lesson 15b will develop a step-by-step understanding of the other concept. Lesson 15c will focus on “works” related to both of the first 2 Lessons.

The Marriage of the Sun & the Moon
Scripture, Math, and Creation all have their own language of truth. The same message is spoken through all three. Together they echo a proclamation of a wedding announcement! So, who’s getting married? Their identity is found in the symbols of the Sun and Moon, both given to us as “signs.”

The Stone Kingdom
For about 6,000 years people have dreamed and sought for a government (kingdom), where there is no corruption & no oppression.

Natural Israel, Spiritual Israel, & 2017
2017 is the culmination of many patterns and cycles found in the Bible.

The Two Pillars
The Word emphasizes the distinction of Christ the Head & Christ the Body.

The Two Works of Christ
This lesson continues with a review of the two works.

Two Goats & Two Doves
There are two approaches to truth, the natural way, and the spiritual way.

The Incorruptible Seed Within
To come to the highest level of truth one must know Jesus in the highest way.

The Eight Milestones to Maturity
Each of the eight feast days are a milestone in that process of spiritual growth.

The Three-Days Journey
Using Previous Lessons to Show What “The 3-Days Journey” Is All About.

The Tabernacle
The Tabernacle originally was a tent structure made to be a (dwelling) place for God.

The Eight Feasts
These eight feast days are distinguished by God as being “HOLY convocations”.

The Four Realms
God created three different realms, each one for a specific type of life.

Three Steps to Resurrection
Would you like to please God? He tells us that we cannot please Him without faith.

The Two Adams
God's overall plan is to display His character, nature, love & glory to all of creation.