Miles Jones
Things to Know
Dr Miles Jones has discovered a few copies of the ancient Hebrew manuscripts of the Gospels. These Hebrew scriptures were written before Greek Translations, and before the Latin Vulgate, (on which nearly all of the English Gospels translations/ versions are based).
We can now prove from the Hebrew Gospels that the Latin Vulgate/Greek translations are full of deliberate additions, changes, and errors. We will soon see the many differences when the English translation of the Hebrew Gospels is completed by Miles Jones and his team of over 12 translators.
His research updates & some of the discoveries are provided below, along with cover pictures of each of his three books.

New Inscriptions Discoveries at Mount Sinai
1 PageMiles Jones made the last expedition trip across the desert to Mount Sinai, just before The Neom Project of the Saudi government took over the area along with a large area of NW Arabia. The total area is bigger than Massachusetts. The Saudi's plan is to improve this barren wilderness with a really big, futuristic vision. The project is moving so swiftly that the Miles team left on paved roads! While there, they found new inscriptions. Miles Jones plans to review the significance of his findings by May of 2023 with video summaries. Watch his website, Meanwhile, read the research update summary that we have provided. Posted 4-15-23 then reposted an update 4-22-23.

16-Major Accomplishments of Messianics from this Book
18 PagesHere is a capsule summary of Miles Jones latest book, "Messianic Church Arising!," which is also Volume-2 of Sons of Zion vs Sons of Greece.
(The last page gives info on how to obtain a hard-copy of the book.
Note that we do not stock them or sell them or have any financial ties to them; neither do we have a pdf of the book.)
We just love our own copy and want to share an awareness of this great book with you!
These 2-volumes are a "must-read" for Messianics, Hebrew-Roots enthusiasts, and those who are curious about the untold history of the true underground believers since their beginnings.
(Volume-1 is shown elsewhere on this page below.)

11-01-21 Research Update
2 PagesHere's the first two of 4-pages of the Research Update. The focus of the report is on the publication of the next book by Miles Jones, the sequel to "Sons of Zion vs. Sons of Greece." This is the thrilling, untold story of the Messianic believers for the last 2,000 years and their vital influence in major world events. The book includes previously suppressed info on Christopher Columbus, how they ended the Spanish Empire, shut down the Inquisition, and helped forge a New World where freedom, equality, & opportunity would reign. There is much more included as well. Gloally, in every area, hidden truths are being revealed at a rapid pace, of which this book is a special nugget of truth. The book will be a must-read for those interested in the Hebrew roots of our faith.

The Epistle of James/Ya'akov
Only a tiny remnant of very early Hebrew manuscripts of the scriptures survived the purge by Jerome, the Pope, Constantine, and those who followed in their steps. This is the first published English translation of one of the books from those long-hidden manuscripts. We learn first that "The book of James" was misnamed by Jerome, and is instead, "The book of Ya'akov, (Jacob)." We also see MANY other startling differences in it! The layout is great and the footnotes are most helpful. Click the image above to see a couple sample pages & the back cover. Although we do not provide hard or electronic copies of this book, it is available through Miles Jones' website, at

8-12-21 Research Update
See what was omitted from
Hebrew Epistle of James,
+ news about Revelation from Hebrew
2 Pages
5-10-21 Research Update
A New Game Changer!
1 Page
4-11-21 Research Update
Another Game Changer!
1 Page
3-3-21 Research Update
Two Game Changers!
2 Pages
2019 Research Updates
Saving the Underground Bibles
6 Pages
The Hebrew Gospels: Do They Exist?
41 Pages
Biography of Dr. Miles Jones
1 Page
Sons of Zion versus Sons of Greece
We do not provide hard or electronic copies of his books. They are available through his website, at (where there are also further descriptions of his books). They are all with a different focus, yet there is a common thread of the importance of our Covenant with God, as outlined in the torah, and seen in its fulness when written on our hearts & in our minds, (the New/Renewed Covenant). In “Sons of Zion...”, it seemed like he dropped a new truth-bomb on nearly every page. I’ve read all 3-books, and quickly devour each of his new writings. “The Hebrew Gospels, Do They Exist?” is extracted from “Sons of Zion...”

The Coming Crisis
We do not provide hard or electronic copies of his books. They are available through his website, at (where there are also further descriptions of his books). They are all with a different focus, yet there is a common thread of the importance of our Covenant with God, as outlined in the torah, and seen in its fulness when written on our hearts & in our minds, (the New/Renewed Covenant). In “Sons of Zion...”, it seemed like he dropped a new truth-bomb on nearly every page. I’ve read all 3-books, and quickly devour each of his new writings. “The Hebrew Gospels, Do They Exist?” is extracted from “Sons of Zion...”

The Writing of God
We do not provide hard or electronic copies of his books. They are available through his website, at (where there are also further descriptions of his books). They are all with a different focus, yet there is a common thread of the importance of our Covenant with God, as outlined in the torah, and seen in its fulness when written on our hearts & in our minds, (the New/Renewed Covenant). In “Sons of Zion...”, it seemed like he dropped a new truth-bomb on nearly every page. I’ve read all 3-books, and quickly devour each of his new writings. “The Hebrew Gospels, Do They Exist?” is extracted from “Sons of Zion...”
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