
Prayer for Mothers
3 PagesThis 3-page prayer was prayed by Eric on 5-10-20, Mother's Day, on a national prayer call of

Prayer of Repentance on Mistreatment of Women
3 PagesThe targeted focus of this prayer is to lead men into repentance for the mistreatment of women in their lives. Their mothers, sisters, daughters, but especially their wives. The marriage union is the classic expression of Yashua's life in a people, His Bride. The core of awakening is specific repentance, and the awakening is what God is doing now.

Map of States with State Phone Prayer Calls Map of States with State Phone Prayer Calls
1 PageThe Holy Spirit is stirring His people to pray and intercede for the USA, Israel, and the world. He is networking us. Besides the national prayer call, there are now 48 states that have regular phone prayer meetings. Also, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, and others have their own. Go to and click on "Prayer Calls" to find your state to get the phone info. Strike Force is associated with prophet Mark Taylor.
Updated 5-9-20. Also found on the Government Page.

Prayer Chart for an Overview of the USA Government
1 PageHere we have the structure of the USA Government based on the Scriptures. It serves as a handy reference chart for prayer. This chart is just an overview and does not have room to post individuals' names. The previous posting of "Prayer Chart of the Executive Branch," however, provides specific names for that branch of the tree, as does our "Prayer Chart of the Judicial System." Also found on the Government Page.

Prayer Chart of Executive Branch of USA
1 PageOur government is founded on Isaiah 33:22, where God is Judge & Lawgiver & King. God governs in the affairs of man on the basis of His ways (Lawgiver/Congress), Judging according to His ways (Supreme Court), and Executing those ways as King (President). The only other country with this scriptural system of government is Israel. This Chart is a basic outline of the structure and people of authority within the Executive Branch for prayer guidance. Updated 03-27-21. Also found on the Government Page.

Prayer Chart for Judicial Branch of the United States
1 PageThe three parts of rulership for a godly government (kingdom) are outlined in Isaiah 33:22. They are Judge, Lawgiver, and King. This chart outlines the structure of the part for Judges in the United States and includes the names of the Supreme Court Justices. Updated on 11-16-20. Also found on the Government Page.
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