Mistranslations & Myths

Found in Matthew 5:17
1 Page
“Ekklesia” not “Church”
10 Pages
The name “Jesus”
3 Pages
Mistranslation: God’s Name “hidden” nearly 7,000 times!
6 Pages
Misleading Translation: The law has ended for believers
3 Pages
Mistranslation: Should refer to Moses, not to the Pharisees!
3 Pages
Myth: It’s now okay to eat unclean foods
3 Pages
Myth: Circumcision was to be done away with
2 Pages
Myth: The Scriptures are the “Old Testament” & “New Testament”
3 Pages
Myth: God has 7 major Special “Feast” Days
1 Page
Myth: The Father forsook Jesus on the cross
2 Pages
Mistranslation: Psalm 22:1
2 Pages
Mistranslations: Why have you forsaken me?
2 Pages
Religious Myth: Jesus was made sin for us.
2 Pages
Mistranslation: He made Him to be sin for us
2 Pages
Mistranslation: The Israelites lived in Egypt 430 Years
1 Page
Myth: Crossing of the Red Sea was in the shallow part
1 Page
Mistranslation: Easter
1 Page
Myth: There were 3 wise men who visited baby Jesus in the manger
1 Page
Myth: Jesus was born on Christmas
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