Mark Taylor
Things to Know
Mark Taylor, a retired fireman from Florida, began to receive messages supernaturally from God in 2011. The first one was that Donald Trump would be raised by God to become President of the United States and why. Since then, Mark has received about two dozen more prophetic words, many of which have already begun to unfold on target. Examples are that the USA would become energy independent, the elimination of ISIS, and the replacement of five Supreme Court Justices.sWe have posted his prophecies here with his name and a few brief comments in brackets to aid in understanding the prophecies. The second edition of his book with more info on the prophecies is called, “The Trump Prophecies, Updated and Expanded.” This book details the background of all of his messages up to the date of publication. It is an encouraging “must read” to help get a good grasp of what God is doing at this time. It is very different than the traditional religious gloom and doom that we’ve been taught.
Note that anyone wanting to contact Mark Taylor directly should go to his website,, then, click on his Contacts page.
Eric J. Ellis

America, Judgement has Begun!
3 Pages1-28-22

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
1 Page1-7-21

Dethroning Evil
1 Page11-05-20

All Roads Lead to Rome
1 Page1-25-18

Energy Now
1 Page1-24-18

The Evil Crew of 32
1 Page1-20-18

North Korea
1 PageOctober, 2017

Prayer of Repentance
6 Pages9-07-17

Scrambling the Enemy's Radar Prayer
1 Page07-25-17

Satan's Frequency
1 Page07-07-18

Spiritual Treason
1 Page03-03-17

Donald Trump, Chosen President
3 Pages01-03-17 re: April, 2011

Energy, Energy
1 Page12-16-16

The Lost Art of War
1 Page12-12-16

Full Circle
1 Page10-19-16

Operation Let My People Go
1 Page07-08-16

Babylonian Prison
1 Page06-12-16

Purging the Temple
1 Page04-16-16

Do Not Fear, America
1 Page02-24-16

Defeated Enemy
1 Page01-28-16

Time is Up
1 Page11-17-15

Don't be Deceived, Get in the Fight
1 Page10-13-15

America, America
2 Pages10-07-15

American Pharaoh
1 Page06-20-15

Commander in Chief
1 Page04-28-11

From the Supreme Commander
1 Page
Declaration of Unity
1 Page
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