John Joseph Curtin
Things to Know
John Joseph has a writing ministry to the Body of Christ. His aim is to faithfully an accurately give out what the Lord gives him.
Now in his 70s, he was first aware of the Lord Jesus as an altar boy, then at a Billy Graham rally in 1968 at age 20. There were some years away from the Lord but the Lord never forsook him and was always there and came to him in his darkest hour more powerfully than at earlier times in his life. He lives in Australia but is well travelled. In 2010 the Lord called him into an intense and deep walk with Himself.
A signature scripture in his life has been: “A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven” – words of John the Baptist in the gospel of John Chapter 3, verse 27.
Eric J. Ellis

Musings on how the LORD thinks upon us...
1 Page
The Sons of God and The Sins of Adam
17 Pages
Take Heed Lest any one Deceive You
11 Pages
The Body of Sin - Part 1
7 Pages
In Self-will or in the Will of God
1 Page
The Blood of the Lamb is the Lamb Nature which Overcomes
3 Pages
First Fruits
2 Pages
The Tree of Knowledge
1 Page
Not Different but Opposite
6 Pages
The Transition
2 Pages
The Times of Refreshing Shall Come from the Presence of the Lord
1 Page
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